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PRESS ROOM > NEWS >  SANJOSE will carry out the refurbishment work on the Vaguada del Arcipreste park in Majadahonda, Madrid

SANJOSE will carry out the refurbishment work on the Vaguada del Arcipreste park in Majadahonda, Madrid

SANJOSE will carry out the refurbishment work on the Vaguada del Arcipreste park in Majadahonda, Madrid

The Majadahonda City Council has awarded SANJOSE Constructora, in a joint venture with El Ejidillo Viveros Integrales, the contract for the recovery of the Vaguada del Arcipreste park planter and its landscaping, as well as the development of a programme of uses that updates, improves and complements the current uses of the park.

SANJOSE will carry out the refurbishment work on the Vaguada del Arcipreste park in Majadahonda, Madrid