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PRESS ROOM > NEWS >  SANJOSE will be responsible for the conservation of highways in Extremadura

SANJOSE will be responsible for the conservation of highways in Extremadura

SANJOSE will be responsible for the conservation of highways in Extremadura

SANJOSE will be responsible for the conservation of highways in Extremadura

The Ministry of Development and the Directorate General of Roads has awarded the JV formed by SANJOSE  Constructora and Eifagge Infraestructuras during 4 years the conservation and operation of several roads: Highway A-66, Ruta de la Plata, stretch: Cañaveral Norte (k.p. 507.600) L.P. with Badajoz (k.p. 598.300); national road N-630 of Gijon to Puerto de Sevilla between k.p 515 and k.p. 598.145 (Caceres).

SANJOSE will be responsible for the conservation of highways in Extremadura

SANJOSE will be responsible for the conservation of highways in Extremadura