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PRESS ROOM > NEWS >  Construtora Udra will build the Nuance Alvalade Residential in Lisbon (Portugal)

Construtora Udra will build the Nuance Alvalade Residential in Lisbon (Portugal)

Construtora Udra will build the Nuance Alvalade Residential in Lisbon (Portugal)

Construtora Udra will build the Nuance Alvalade Residential in Lisbon (Portugal)

Promalva has awarded Construtora Udra the execution works for the Nuance Alvalade Residential, which consists of two buildings joined by a garden and a common underground parking, offering a total of 28 homes of various types.


Located in the heart of Alvalade, one of the most emblematic and sought-after neighborhoods in the city of Lisbon, this new residential development stands out architecturally for the perfect integration of the buildings in their urban context through a contemporary design but inspired by traditional architecture. Portuguese, by having facades covered in tiles and the application of lioz stone elements.


Construtora Udra will build the Nuance Alvalade Residential in Lisbon (Portugal)

Construtora Udra will build the Nuance Alvalade Residential in Lisbon (Portugal)