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PRESS ROOM > NEWS >  Grupo Sanjose and the Head of State of Peru hand over the keys of the first condominium of the urban development “Parques de la Huaca”

Grupo Sanjose and the Head of State of Peru hand over the keys of the first condominium of the urban development “Parques de la Huaca”

Grupo Sanjose and the Head of State of Peru hand over the keys of the first condominium of the urban development “Parques de la Huaca”

Grupo Sanjose and the Head of State of Peru hand over the keys of the first condominium of the urban development “Parques de la Huaca”

On the occasion of the completion of the first condominium of the urban development “Parques de la Huaca” in Lima (Peru), Grupo Sanjose hold a token delivery of premises addressed by the President of the Republic, Alan García Pérez.


The Head of State and the new owners were accompanied by the Minister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, Juan Sarmiento, several local authorities and the Manager of Sanjose Perú, Francisco Ramírez.


The urban development, of which 336 housing units have already been completed, will be under construction till 2015. Year in which the three condominiums it consists of, and which amount to a totally of 3,072 housing units (ranking from 81 to 90 square meters), will be completed.


“Parques de la Huaca” is a residential complex consisting of 64 twelve-storey buildings, 67% green areas, leisure areas and a guaga (archaeological site), which was subject to an archaeological, study and restoration process.

Grupo Sanjose and the Head of State of Peru hand over the keys of the first condominium of the urban development “Parques de la Huaca”

Grupo Sanjose and the Head of State of Peru hand over the keys of the first condominium of the urban development “Parques de la Huaca”