Grupo Sanjose opens the first Polygeneration Power Plant of Parc de l’Alba
Grupo Sanjose has inaugurated the first polygeneration power plant of Parc de l’Alba which simultaneously produces electricity, heating and cooling and provides a service of exceptional quality and reliability and is the main supplier of power to the Alba synchrotron as well as an example of energy efficiency at European level. The first stage of this high-technology infrastructure implied an investment of EUR 32.6 million.
The opening ceremony, which has coincided with the official visit of the Steering Committee of the European Project Polycity -which supports and boosts energy innovation- has been presided by Pedro Aller, Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sanjose Energía y Medio Ambiente, and counted on the presence of the Mayor of Cerdanyola del Vallès, Carme Carmona, the Technical Director of Incasòl, Joan Llort, the Director of Consorci Urbanistic del Centre Direccional de Cerdayola del Vallès, Mikel Sodupe, the Chairman of the Consorcio CELLS (managing body of Alba synchrotron), Ramón Pascual, and the President of the European Project Polycity, Ursula Eicker.
Pedro Aller explained at the opening ceremony that “This high-technology infrastructure is the first of a total of four power plants which Grupo Sanjose will execute at Parc de l’Alba in order to provide a reliable and energy efficient power supply system at national and international level.” The Mayor of Cerdanyola del Vallès, Carme Carmona, reminded us that “Pioneering eco-efficiency infrastructures, as the one executed by Grupo Sanjose, have made possible Cerdanyola del Vallès being awarded the distinctive sign of “City of Science and Innovation” (“Ciudad de la Ciencia y la Innovación”) by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. She also highlighted that “The current economic scenario requires the implementation of more projects as the Scientific and Technological Parc de l’Alba, which will facilitate moving forwards to a new economy thanks to its high-tech infrastructures, especially designed for satisfying the current needs of an innovation system.” After different opening speeches, the audience attending the ceremony took part in a guided tour of the plant addressed by responsible members of the Sociedad Poligeneración Parc de l’Alba ST-4.
The construction of the power plant, as well as the subsequent provision of services, is awarded to the company Poligeneración Parc de l’Alba ST-4, leaded by Grupo Sanjose (holder of 76% of the company), and the consortium Consorcio CELLS (managing board of Alba synchrotron), the Consorci Urbanistic del Centre Direccional de Cerdayola del Vallès (driving force behind the Scientific and Technological Parc de l’Alba) and the engineering Lonjas Tecnología under a concession regime.
The first stage of the polygeneration plant Parc de l’Alba has implied a total investment of €32.6 M, of which €23 M correspond to the execution of the plant itself and the remaining, to the underground network of electricity, cooling and heating system which covers the new business streets around Alba synchrotron.
The recently inaugurated plant is the first of a series of four power plants whose development is scheduled for years 2012-2020. The development and operation of the same for the following 30 years is awarded to the company leaded by Grupo Sanjose under a concession regime. The remaining power plants will be developed as energy demand of Parc de l’Alba increases till reaching a total investment of €80 M.
The polygeneration power system of Parc de l’Alba has been designed for becoming the main supplier of electricity, heating and cooling to the Alba synchrotron and providing a top quality and reliable so-called District Heating & Cooling service. The first power plant, which has been supplying electricity, heating and cooling to Alba synchrotron since last July, will provide innovative Business with remarkable technical and economic benefits: on one hand, energy efficiency allows the provision of a high quality and reliable service at competitive prices, which entail notable savings, up to 30%. On the other hand, the externalization of these services avoids companies from having to worry about building or maintaining heating and cooling infrastructures.
This polygeneration plant will allow energy savings of 109,000 MW/hour each year and will reduce CO2 emissions by 7,500 tons per years, which represent, compared to traditional energy systems, savings up to nearly 35% by using residual energy (heat generated by electrical motors) for heating and cooling.
It has been designed for producing 16,5 MW of electric power (equivalent to power used by 4,000 housing units) by means of 5 electrical motors, 3 of which are already running and the remaining 2 will be implemented as energy demand increases at Alba synchrotron. The power plant includes other pioneering facilities, subsidized by the European Union through the Polycity Project, such as: an absorption refrigeration machine, which cools the water that flows through the heating and cooling network using heat generated by the electrical motors; a thermal tank, which allows constant running during the 24 hours of the day; or an energy management system which optimises energy efficiency. In only a few months, the plant will house count on two experimental renewable energy facilities: one for biomass gasification and a cool solar plant.