Grupo Sanjose will build the new Hospital IMQ in Bilbao for more than 45 million euros
Grupo Sanjose has begun the construction of a new sanitary center of the last generation in Bilbao. The Real-estate Society of the Igualatorio Médico Quirúrgico, S.A. (IMQ) has awarded the works to the UTE formed by two companies of the Group: EBA (Eraikuntza Birgaikuntza Artapena), 60 %, and Sanjose Constructora, 40 %. The amount ascends to more than 45 million Euros.
The hospital designed by the prestigious architects Carlos Ferrater and Alfonso Casares, with Luis Domínguez's collaboration, is born with the intention of providing to Biscay a center of reference in the area of the private assistance. There will be an impressive complex with two different levels from different heights on an area of 9.000 square meters, in Zorrotzaurre's area, on that there will be constructed 26.000 square meters of hospitable facilities. " We try to guarantee the best assistance and the well-being of the patients ", as explained Pedro Ensunza, president of IMQ.
With this intention, the architects have bet for separating the areas of hospitalization and consultations, to adapt the needs to every type of patient and to guarantee a personalized attention in different buildings.
A singular building of six floors will have 158 single rooms for hospitable admissions, fifteen of which will be suites with major dimensions. All the rooms will have the last technological advances.
In another attached block of three floors there will be located sixty consultations of all the specialities, the service of emergency, the UCI, the surgical and obstetric area and the day hospitals, where oncologists’ cases will be attended and medical - surgical that do not need admission.
The amenities will be completed by three underground floors that will have more than 450 places of parking.
Principal figures of the work