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PRESS ROOM > NEWS >  SANJOSE will Execute Provisional External Wastewater Connection for the Retamar de la Huerta Sector in Alcorcón, Madrid

SANJOSE will Execute Provisional External Wastewater Connection for the Retamar de la Huerta Sector in Alcorcón, Madrid

SANJOSE will Execute Provisional External Wastewater Connection for the Retamar de la Huerta Sector in Alcorcón, Madrid

SANJOSE will Execute Provisional External Wastewater Connection for the Retamar de la Huerta Sector in Alcorcón, Madrid

SANJOSE will Execute Provisional External Wastewater Connection for the Retamar de la Huerta Sector in Alcorcón, Madrid

The Retamar de la Huerta Compensation Board has awarded SANJOSE Constructora the contract for the provisional external wastewater connection of the Retamar de la Huerta sector in Alcorcón, Madrid.


The project is divided into four sections: Section 1: Pumping from EBAR 3 to Avenida San Martín de Valdeiglesias. Section 2: PP8 Collector. Section 3: Provisional EBAR Pumping. Section 4: Collector along Calle Luxemburgo.


The scope also includes crossing existing infrastructure as required. The works will be executed in coordination with the ongoing urbanization of the area, spanning 114 hectares, also undertaken by SANJOSE.

SANJOSE will Execute Provisional External Wastewater Connection for the Retamar de la Huerta Sector in Alcorcón, Madrid

SANJOSE will Execute Provisional External Wastewater Connection for the Retamar de la Huerta Sector in Alcorcón, Madrid

SANJOSE will Execute Provisional External Wastewater Connection for the Retamar de la Huerta Sector in Alcorcón, Madrid