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PRESS ROOM > NEWS >  SANJOSE will rehabilitate the Lope de Vega Theater in Vélez - Málaga

SANJOSE will rehabilitate the Lope de Vega Theater in Vélez - Málaga

SANJOSE will rehabilitate the Lope de Vega Theater in Vélez - Málaga

SANJOSE will rehabilitate the Lope de Vega Theater in Vélez - Málaga

SANJOSE will rehabilitate the Lope de Vega Theater in Vélez - Málaga

The Vélez – Málaga City Council has awarded SANJOSE Constructora the rehabilitation works of the Lope de Vega Theater in Vélez – Málaga, which was opened in 1961 and maintained its activity intermittently until it closed its doors in 1985. The building previously had 1,245 seats that will be reduced to favor aspects of accessibility, acoustics, security and evacuation.


The architectural reform of the building will be marked mainly by the improvement of fire safety. In this way, the evacuation exits will be increased in the main room, enlarging the dimensions of the doors as well as the redistribution of corridors and their dimensions. All this will result in a reduction in seating capacity, which previously amounted to 1,245 seats, favouring the evacuation aspects.

SANJOSE will rehabilitate the Lope de Vega Theater in Vélez - Málaga

SANJOSE will rehabilitate the Lope de Vega Theater in Vélez - Málaga

SANJOSE will rehabilitate the Lope de Vega Theater in Vélez - Málaga