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PRESS ROOM > NEWS >  SANJOSE will carry out the urban biodiversity pathways project, an urban biological reserve in the 'El Tomillo' area of Valladolid

SANJOSE will carry out the urban biodiversity pathways project, an urban biological reserve in the 'El Tomillo' area of Valladolid

SANJOSE will carry out the urban biodiversity pathways project, an urban biological reserve in the 'El Tomillo' area of Valladolid

SANJOSE will carry out the urban biodiversity pathways project, an urban biological reserve in the 'El Tomillo' area of Valladolid

The City Council of Valladolid awarded SANJOSE Constructora in Joint Venture with El Ejidillo Viveros Integrales, to carry out the project for urban biodiversity pathways, an urban biological reserve in the area of 'El Tomillo'. This project involves the renaturalization of a currently abandoned area and its transformation into a peri-urban park with native vegetation, including trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, aimed at maintaining the area as an urban biological reserve and turning it into a refuge for native flora and fauna.


SANJOSE will carry out the urban biodiversity pathways project, an urban biological reserve in the 'El Tomillo' area of Valladolid

SANJOSE will carry out the urban biodiversity pathways project, an urban biological reserve in the 'El Tomillo' area of Valladolid