SANJOSE was awarded the expansion of the Terminal Building of the Airport of Vigo for more than 45 million Euros
The Ministry of Development, through AENA, has awarded the JV between SANJOSE Constructora S.A. and COPASA the expansion of the Terminal Building of the Airport of Vigo for EUR 45,313,204.
The project consists of the remodelling of the existing building and an expansion of more than 17,000m², which means increasing the total surface of the airport form 8,700m² to 26,000m². This will enable Vigo Airport to have capacity for four million users.
The new Terminal Building will consist of a four-story building:
- Basement for baggage control, storing and facility placement.
- Ground floor for check in, with a total of 23 check in counters, security arch, baggage claim and arrivals. The shopping area, a cafeteria and a restaurant will also be located on this floor.
- First floor for departures, with a total of four boarding gangways -two more than now-, two of which will be double for allowing the boarding of remote flights.
- Second floor where administrative offices and weather forecast services will be placed.