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PRESS ROOM > NEWS >  SANJOSE will Urbanize the Retamar de la Huerta Section in Alcorcón, Madrid

SANJOSE will Urbanize the Retamar de la Huerta Section in Alcorcón, Madrid

SANJOSE will Urbanize the Retamar de la Huerta Section in Alcorcón, Madrid

The Retamar de la Huerta Compensation Board has awarded SANJOSE Constructora the urbanization works for the 114-hectare sector known as Retamar de la Huerta.

This area is located in the northern part of Alcorcón, bordered by the M-50 and N-501 highways, adjacent to the urban area of Campodon and the municipality of Villaviciosa de Odón.

SANJOSE will Urbanize the Retamar de la Huerta Section in Alcorcón, Madrid